Reservations App:

for yoga teachers and their students

MERN stack with full auth, account email verification, and thoughtful UX design

[ git repo ]

Currency Conversion

a React currency converter using two APIs served within a minimally designed and dynamic interface [ git repo ]

Playful Shapes

a generative art project using the P5 JavaScript library by Matthew Sanner and Alberto Duarte [ git repo ]

Movie Finder

a movie finder using React and the IMDB api highlighted with retro graphics and an award winning font by Omnibus-Type [ git repo ]

Bones CMS

a fullstack content management system that I made significant contributions to

5 Lessons Learned Designing a Web Development Portfolio

Design is more about practical user experience than it is about artistic expression. Of course, creativity and design have many intersections but for non-designers who want to make a good looking portfolio, it is much more valuable to think of design as a question of intelligibility. On the one hand creativity strives to be noticed as a departure from the ordinary, it demarcates a voyage by challenging assumptions and obscuring the expected. Whereas design, on the other hand, is at a service and seeks to be visible through clarity. Design may even appear to be “natural“ or obvious, as means to an end. Alejandro Murga, architect and professor of industrial design at UABC, explains how design differs from art: “…design (as a discipline) is a tool that makes us act and transform society, satisfying human needs.” The satisfaction of human needs is at the heart of design for me. With this in mind:

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5 Lessons Learned Playing with CSS Animation

3. REVIEW BASIC MATH. Basic math was vastly useful for this project. Just a little bit of geometry saved me so much time in designing the star. Triangles are neat not just because they break from the dominant grid and box style of most websites making designs that use them stand out but they can also be proven to be congruent with each other in many simple ways facilitating in building more complex designs in less time. The hardest part of this project was the placement of the triangles but a fundamental knowledge of corresponding angles allowed me to move much faster through that process.

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about alberto duarte

  • Bachelor of Fine Arts in Film and Video from The City College in Harlem, NYC.
  • Completed Bikram's now infamous Yoga Teacher Training in Los Angeles, Fall 2013.
  • Pending: Fullstack Web Development Certificate from Altcademy